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- Create Date 16/06/2023
- Last Updated 16/06/2023
Cossacks: European Wars - Patch v1.15 (Russian)
This patch extends Cossacks: European Wars with the following functions:
- Synchronization errors have been eliminated
- No more network-related performance loss. The game runs on each computer at the maximum speed (no stuttering when scrolling), regardless of the performance of the other computers involved in the game
- Various bugs that could lead to crashes have been fixed
- Bugs in high resolutions have been fixed (crashes in resolutions higher than 1280x1024, errors in the representation of the "fog of war")
- "Cheating" in multiplayer mode is no longer possible
- Version 1.15 is compatible with the international Cossacks version
- Automatic saving now takes place once every four minutes (previously once every minute)
- After a defeat is no longer automatically saved