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- Create Date 11/08/2022
- Last Updated 13/08/2022
Cossacks: Back to War - Imperia mod
Short description: Imperia mod for Cossacks: Back to War. The English version of IMPERIA includes:
-MOD1 (Baddog)
-Patches which allow you to launch the game on the English version of "Back to War".
The patches are:
Requirements: IMPERIA requires the original licensed English version of “Cossacks Back To War” (v1.35) game installed on your PC. Be sure to have the right version of the game installed since this is the second add-on to the Cossacks1 series.
1. Download IMPERIA mod pack.
2. Unpack MOD.7z folder and put all it’s containment into the root game Directory (do not copy the whole folder, but first open it and then copy all of the parts placed in it).
Answer “yes” every time you get asked “do You want to replace already existed file”;
This step will implant the MOD –1 (Baddog) into Your game. Do not try to launch this old MOD but be sure that its already in the system;
3. Take a file from the pack mods.gs2 and place it into the root game directory;
4. Launch the IMPERIA self installer – the file pimp0510f.exe
Be sure that installation is going directly into the root directory of BTW.
By default the self-installer creates a new folder called “Back To War” and sends the MOD into it.
And so check the path before installation and avoid the typical mistake:
Back To War/IMPERIA is a right path;
Back To War/ Back To War/ IMPERIA is a wrong path;
5.Take next files from the pack: dmcr.exe and mods03.gs1 and put them into the root game directory (Cossacks - Back To War)
Answer “yes” every time you get asked “do You want to replace already existed file”;
Now You can Play the IMPERIA.
Start like in the original game – by clicking dmcr.exe
In order to be able to see the intro clip install XviD viewer : XviD-1.1.0-30122005.exe
Note: You can play Imperia via Internet with only two players (now). LAN - as many as possible.