Cheat code: | Description: |
showallmissions | Makes all missions available. |
res %resource% %amount% |
You can give ourselves resources with it. Usage:% resource% should be replaced by the type of resources, which can be food, wood, stone, gold, iron, coal, or all if you want everything. % amount% indicates the amount. Example: res food 100,000 – You get 100,000 foods res all 200000 – you get 200000 from all resources |
freecamera |
You can turn off the fixed camera position, making it completely free to adjust.
You can also use Ctrl + PageUp / Ctrl + PageDown to adjust the angle. The Home key resets to the default view. |
www |
The www code was also available in the first Cossacks games. Thanks to this code we can activate additional modules! Use Ctrl + F to turn Fog of War on and off. Use Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V to copy and paste units. After pressing P, by clicking on the arrow in the upper right corner, you will find a menu from which you can access all the units (including misc!) and buildings of all nations and place them on the map. With the 1,2,3 … 9 keys on the numeric keypad you can switch to the other players who are currently in the game! |
Cheats only work in single player mode!
Cheats can be entered in the message box that opens after pressing ENTER or Ctrl + ENTER. After typing, press ENTER again.
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