SHORT DESCRIPTION: The mode takes a similar tactical approach to State vs Country Empire, except that it spans the period from 1600 to 1763.
- Added infantry, dragoon and lancer models for the “Golden Age” for Poland.
- Polish units : Przednia straz, Petigoria are now armed with a pike, the cavalryman model has been changed.
- The upgrade “cost of the 18th century musket” has been replaced by the upgrade “release speed of the 18th century musketeer”
- The AI has been tweaked taking into account game changes and the addition of new models.
- Added models of officers and drummers for Bavaria for the 18th century. The textures of the standard-bearers and infantry of Bavaria for the 18th century have been corrected.
- Added infantry and dragoon models for the “Golden Age” for Bavaria.
- Added a late 17th century Musketeer model for Bavaria.
- Added Strelets model for the early 18th century for Russia.
- “Musketeers at the end of the 17th Century” is now available until the middle of the 18th century.
- The AI has been tweaked taking into account game changes and the addition of new models.
- Added models of officers and drummers for England for the 18th century. The textures of the standard-bearers and infantry of England for the 18th century have been corrected.
- For the Piedmont Marines in the middle of the 18th century, the ability to form detachments has been fixed.
- Added units for the Piedmont Guard for the 18th century. For Piedmont, a huntsman was added, the cuirassier and dragoons were changed to the 18th century.
- The animation, the death of the unit, has been corrected for an officer of the Republic of France.
- Formations for Turkish and Algerian infantry have been returned.
- The image has been changed to change the background of the game loading.
- The AI has been tweaked taking into account game changes and the addition of new models.
- Added models of officers and drummers for France and Spain for the 18th century.
For France, the model of the general for the 18th century has been added. - Added flag bearer models for Turkey and Algeria.
- The cost of upgrades at the academy in the 18th century has been changed.
To move into the heyday and golden age, the necessary conditions for the upgrade have been changed. - The cost of the artillery depot has been increased, the number of guns at the depot has been reduced to 2.
- During the loading of game resources, the background is changed with a new image.
Added images to change the background of loading the game, now there are 12 of them. - The mod’s information window has been tweaked.
- The AI has been tweaked taking into account game changes and the addition of new models.
- Added models of dragoons and cuirassiers for France for the 18th century.
For France, models of mounted officers and trumpeters for the early and late 18th century have been added. - For Austria, the guard was redesigned for the 18th century, models of officers were added.
- Fixed the error of launching the mod with changed “starting conditions”.
- The module for the appearance of the officer button to create a squad has been tweaked.
- Fixed minor bugs in Grenadier upgrades from the 18th century.
- The AI has been tweaked taking into account game changes and the addition of new models.
- Fixed: the individual upgrade in the stone wall, the construction of the tower.
- The implementation of the “Hold position” command has been fixed.
- The assistant menu is disabled by default. The assistant could appear in the game editor.
- Increased time delays when performing upgrades.
- The implementation of the “Hold position” command has been fixed.
- The assistant menu is disabled by default. The assistant could appear in the game editor.
- Added an individual upgrade in the stone wall, the construction of the tower.
- The upgrade allows you to lay the foundation of the tower in the wall itself.
- Added an individual upgrade in the stone wall, the construction of the tower.
- The upgrade allows you to lay the foundation of the tower in the wall itself.
- Added models and units of mounted officers and trumpeters for Austria, Bavaria, Prussia, Russia, Saxony.
- Added models and units of mounted officers and drummers for Algeria and Turkey.
- Corrected models and animations of heavy cavalry for Austria, Bavaria, Prussia, Russia, Saxony.
- Added an equestrian arquebusier for Scotland and a mamluk for the 18th century for Algeria.
- 7 upgrades have been added to the command center to allow the release of units.
- For AI, additional delays in scripts have been added to optimize the game.
- The AI has been tweaked taking into account game changes and the addition of new models.
- Added new models and units for Ukraine.
- The AI has been tweaked taking into account game changes and the addition of new models.
[1] Unpack using 7-Zip.
[2.1] Recommended way: The contents of the unpacked folder should be copied to the Installed folder/Cossacks3/mods/.
[2.2] Not recommended way: The contents of the unpacked folder should be copied to the folder Installed folder/Cossacks3. In this step, you must back up the original files.
[3] Use the Mod Manager to enable the game mode.
[!] If something does not work, please check the downloaded file: the update will not work without a version. So you have to download the latest version first and then download the update. For example, to use the v1.23 update, you need to download v1.22. During the update process, files need to be overwritten.