SHORT DESCRIPTION: Update AI pack (v0.992) for Cossacks: The Art of War.
CREDITS: Cossacks Tech Depot
This is the beta version of AI Pack for Cossacks Art of War.
There are several issues with AoW AI and this pack attempts to fix some of them:
1. As grenadiers behaves, well oddly, this tweaked AI will not produce grenadiers. It makes archers (merc) and 18c musketeers instead.
2. Better economic management, so it will not starve itself and also makes larger army in longer PT games.
3. On watermaps, it will also produce 18c units and calvary.
***I still cannot tweak it to produce the new ships as it has to do with resource limitation. May be I’ll look at this issue with the next version, perhaps on millions resources.
The nations included in this packs are all of the European nations except Ukraine and Russia. (I will do the rest if I have time, in the next version)
1. Unpack “addonaipackv0992_beta.7z” file.
2. Run “AI_pack.exe” and follow the instructions in setup progress.
IMPORTANT: before installation, please go to your Cossacks The Art of War directory and rename the AI folder to AI_Backup or something like that. This pack is for single player only. Attempt to play this online while the other player(s) does not possess the same pack will result in synchro error. When you wish to play online, you have to manually rename the AI folder to AI_Mod and the AI_Backup back to AI, and vice versa.
To install, double click on the executable and please check the destination directory to make sure that it is correct.