SHORT DESCRIPTION: Real War v2 Mod is available for Cossacks: Back to War.
CREDIT: [-TC-]Atabey
- This is a more realistic cossacks mod. Name of Cossacks : Real War.
- There is a 9 nations:Austria,Algeria,Britain,France,Prussia,Poland-Lithuania,Russia,Spain and The Ottoman Empire.
- Ther’snt XVIII th century …
- Two new resorces options (NoMad[0 resorces] and Deatmatch [999999999 resorces])
- There is a new upgrades and army etc.
- Austria have a Pikeman (name of Halberdier ) more strong.
- Algeria Archer more strong and have fast horse name of Arabian Knight.
- Britain have a new infantry Scottich Swordman fast built time.
- France Pikeman more fast built time and Chasseur attack pause more less.
- Prussia have a new swordman and more less build time Muskheteer and strong Elite Muskheteer.
- Poland have a very strong Muskheteer/Granider.
- Russia have a Serdiuk and dwelling dosn’t capture.
- Spain have a arabian infantryman.
- The Ottoman Empire have more strong Jenissary and Atabey.
- The villagers dosnt capture and new feature…
1. Unpack realwar_v2.7z file.
2. Run “setup.exe” (choose the original Cossacks: Back to War folder)
If you have AIai.dat and AIdf.dat, this files will cause an error with REAL WAR mod.
So you move or delete this files anyway dont need this files for Back to WAR…