SHORT DESCRIPTION: The Cossacks Mod introduces many new and unique units to Cossacks – Back to War, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. For instance, the english pikeman is cheap and fast to build but has no armour, whereas his swedish counterpart is heavily armoured but slower and more expensive to build. There are also a number of gameplay changes, and some new features such as new larger formation sizes, to give the player even more tactical options. Artillery receives special attention, with 3 all new cannons opening up whole new strategic possibilities to the player.
CREDITS: Shaun Fletcher (Baddog) and Stefan Hertrich
Cossacks MOD1 is probably one of the best things the Cossacks community has ever given to the game and this gift has ensured the ongoing love and enjoyment of the great Cossacks series. All of MOD1 was created by 2 true Cossacks fans, Shaun Fletcher (Baddog) and Stefan Hertrich who with authorization from GSC Gameworld fulfilled their dream to make a truly awesome contribution towards one truly awesome game.

Contents of MOD1
MOD 1 contains 37 new unit types including 3 new cannons. These new units are mainly new nation specific models to replace the current standard ones except for a few units such as the artillery. However when you are are using MOD1 you cannot play any pre-designed missions or campaigns unless they were created using MOD1 units or else the game will crash. In addition to all of these great new units we are provided with other small tweaks to the game which can be seen below:
New units (units renders):
- Austrian 18c musketeer
- English 17c pikeman
- English 17c dragoon
- French 17c pikeman
- Polish 17c dragoon
- Piedmont 18c musketeer
- Mercenary – Scottish swordsman
- Ottoman infantryman (Turkey)
- Russian 18c musketeer
- Swedish 17c pikeman
- Swedish grenadier
- European 17c cannon
- Austrian grenadier
- English 17c musketeer
- English 18c musketeer
- French 17c musketeer
- Polish grenadier
- Piedmont 18c dragoon
- Spanish 18c dragoon
- Balkan light rider (Turkey)
- Russian grenadier
- Swedish 17c musketeer
- Swedish 18c dragoon
- Ottoman cannon
- Algerian bashi-bozouk
- English rider
- English grenadier
- French 18c musketeer
- Dutch 18c musketeer
- Portuguese 18c musketeer
- Venecian 17c musketeer
- Prussian grenadier
- Russian hussar
- Swedish 18c musketeer
- Swedish hussar
- Coastal defence cannon
Gameplay changes in the Cossacks mod:
- new infantry formation size: 324 units
- mercenary dragoon: 80 building time instead of 50, more upkeep costs
- palisades: 1.500 lifepoints instead of 500
- 17c musketeers: lower building time
- 17c dragoons: lower building time, +2 attack
- 18c dragoons: lower building time
- royal musketeer and all unique 18c musketeers without bayonet: lower building time
- winged hussar: more lifepoints but higher building time
- janissary: more shotpower
- better but more expensive VII attack and defence upgrades for mamaluke and spakh
- grenadiers: higher building time
- 10 mortars per artillery depot instead of 30
- higher costs for cannon artillery upgrades:
- cannon cost upgrades two times more expensive
- cannon building time upgrades four times more expensive
- Algerian towncenter 75 population limit instead of 50
- Algerian and Turkish stable cheaper
- Algerian/Turkish barracks 75 population limit instead of 50, but more expensive
- Bavarian 18c barracks cheaper
Changes to artillery
Cannon upgrades at the artillery depot are now more expensive, making the standard Cossacks cannon less accessible early in the game, but with the mod you get two new cannons, The European 17c cannon (all european nations) or the Ottoman cannon (Algeria, Turkey). These can be built quickly and cheaply without having made any artillery depot upgrades. Their disadvantages are that they are weaker and they don´t benefit from academy upgrades. Early in the game or in a 17th century only game these cannons are a sensible choice for the player.
The limited cannon capacity of each artillery depot also limits the number of the new cannons.
Additionally, you are now able to build the coastal defence cannon, a powerful cannon that has a very long range and is able to hold its own against the powerful Cossacks naval units. This cannon moves very slowly, doesn´t use grapeshot or “attack ground”, and doesn´t benefit from the academy upgrades.
The limited howitzer capacity of the artillery depot also limits the coastal defence cannon.
Once the Mod is installed, the player can start the game either with the mod or as a normal Cossacks – Back to War game using the appropriately named icons in the start menu.
The Mod can be used for both single player and multiplayer games. In multiplayer, the mod will appear in the lobby under the special version number M135. Players using the mod will only be able to play against other players displaying this version.
There is a possibility of some loss of performance in the game when using the mod, especially on lower specification machines, as it contains a significant amount of new graphics.
[1] Unpack using 7-Zip.
[2.2] Use the setup files and follow the instructiction through the installation process. You must own the original Cossacks: The Art of War or Cossacks: Back to War to setup and use it.