SHORT DESCRIPTION: Cuirassier’s AI pack for Cossacks: The Art of War.
CREDITS: Cuirassier
This AI version includes:
- formations of cuirassiers + 18th cent dragoons (all nations),
- grenadiers merc. + archers + merc. dragoons, priest,
- formations of 18th cent musketeers and 18th cent grenadiers (Saxony),
- water (islands + peninsulas) AI with rider & cuirassiers formations
- mediterranean AI produces horsemen
- millions AI produces riders, cuirassiers, 18th cent dragoons, etc…
- better economy (fast development), more fields, stables (up to 6),
- 2 ways of development
- shipyard in land maps (where is water obviously)
- also includes Swiss + Hungary (ver 1.35)
1. Unpack “cuirassiersaipack.7z” file.
2. Rename the existing AI folder (in case you don’t like this pack)
3. Copy this folder in the root directory instead of the original AI