What kind of game is Divided Nation?
Divided Nation is a real time strategy game set during the American Civil War. American Conquest: Divided Nation takes the emphasis off of Age of Empires-like resource extraction and building-based unit creation and focuses the strategic command of units involving large numbers of troops over the course of large, historically accurate battlefields.
How is it similar to previous American Conquest games?
American Conquest: Divided Nation still maintains the same American Conquest premise of large battles involving thousands (up to 16,000) soldiers in large meticulously crafted maps. Although the original American Conquest titles only covered conflicts up to 1813, Divided Nation will cover many of the American conflicts fought during the remainder of the 19th century.
What historical period does Divided Nation cover? What historical battles are covered in the game?
Divided Nation concentrates predominantly on the American Civil War, but it also touches on clashes that took place during the Texas/Mexico conflict. Players can expect to fight famous battles as the commander of forces under the control of Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, and Ulysses S. Grant. The Mexico/Texas conflict will feature battles like San Jacinto and the Alamo.
Can I play both the Union and the Confederacy? What sides can I play in the War for Texas Independence?
American Conquest: Divided Nation allows the player to fully experience every aspect of the battles featured in the game. In total, Divided Nation gives players the opportunity to command from the side of five different groups: Texas, Mexico, the Union, the Confederacy, and Pirates.
How many missions or campaigns are in the game?
American Conquest: Divided Nation features nine “historically inspired” campaigns that will see players waging war across 50 maps. No matter how each battle plays out, one can expect to take on at least a combined 50 missions between all the campaigns.