If you know any other downloadable item what is not on this list below, please give me a word! Due to legal reasons we cannot make available the full version of this game on this site! Thank you!
Downloadable file | File type | File size | Download |
American Conquest Demo | Demo | 175 Mb | LINK |
American Conquest Demo #2 | Demo | 176 Mb | LINK |
American Conquest Flash Game | Misc | 708 KB | LINK |
American Conquest Mega Screen | Misc | 14,8 MB | LINK |
American Conquest How to craft: Waterfall | Misc | 568 KB | LINK |
American Conquest Tech trees | Misc | 1,42 MB | LINK |
American Conquest Self-running demo | Misc | 49,1 MB | LINK |
American Conquest Self-running demo (german version) | Misc | 49,1 MB | LINK |
American Conquest Fan Site Kit | Misc | 3,51 MB | LINK |
American Conquest Patch v1.46 (FR) | Patch | 5,06 MB | LINK |
American Conquest Map Patch v1.46 (FR) | Patch | 32,5 MB | LINK |
American Conquest Patch v1.86 | Patch | 28,0 MB | LINK |
American Conquest & Fight Back & Divided Nation Windows 10 Black Fix | Patch | 20 KB | LINK |
To save storage space, we use the 7-Zip file archiver for all downloadable items on this site. The program is free and can be downloaded here: https://www.7-zip.org/download.html