SHORT DESCRIPTION: MartyMcFly Sound mod is available for Cossacks: Back to War.
CREDIT: Egor Larin (MartyMcFly)
From the author: I present you my personal development for the game “Cossacks: Back to War”. This is a small (2 MB) sound mod for this strategy, which slightly improves and 100% changes the existing sounds in the game. The thing is, in the entire life of Cossacks, nobody has ever bothered to make a sound mod and change the sounds. I decided to fix this mistake and “patch” the gap. I think many people also wanted to refresh the sounds for once and play with a little different voicing. Especially if you don’t like it – you can go back and play. Mod created, simply, as an alternative to the existing sounds in the game. Now let’s go directly to the mod.
Notes: Be sure to make a backup copy of the game or sound folder or directly those 61 sounds to avoid any problems!
There is a special feature. I decided to delete all but one file Ris (lynx). Therefore, before installing the mod, delete all “RIS” files (having made copies beforehand) and unpack the mod archive. You will have one single file Ris1.
Why? I decided to slightly change the sound of horse gallop (this is the speed of hussars, Secheviks, Moldavians, winged hussars, etc. fast cavalry) the very word Ris-means “Lynx” type of horse running (trot). I left one file but in it sounds horse running as tsk,tsk,tsk or better (yougydyk)…like in the films…for three steps. When played at close to real human game speed…this effect works out beautifully in time with the galloping horse.
List of (detailed) replaced files:
- Kopyta1.wav-Kopyta4.wav voicing of horses of all sorts of slow conjunites (not to be confused with the word “conjuncture”. These are different words! =)))
- LukNorm.wav, LukOgon.wav archery voiceover (IMHO not very better than the original)
- More1.wav-More5.wav I’ve gone wild on the sea from heart…water
- MortiraVzryv1.wav-MortiraVzryv3.wav explosions from shells both on land and at sea + buildings explosion
- Mushket1.wav-Mushket5.wav firearms….Everything I could make out of what I had made
- Ogon1.wav-Ogon2.wav fire/fire
- Ptica0.wav-Ptica9.wav and PticaA.wav-PticaE.wav – IMHO probably the best part of the bird mod… you will hear really better birds than in the original, crow, woodpecker, swifts, chirps, sparrows, and cuckoo (approx. 20 cuckoos) just cuckoo makes the whole game…. it feels good!
- Pushka1.wav-Pushka3.wav-Shots of cannons, ship cannons and buckshot.
- ResDer1.wav-ResDer4.wav sounds of chopping wood/forest with axe. Really the sounds are different remade, but sound very similar to the old.
- ResKam1.wav – ResKam4.wav sounds of blows with a pickaxe on the stone (as if crumbles kolet) these sounds are different, I think for the better.
- Ris1.wav – single file Lynx/horse running
- Sabla1.wav – Sabla4.wav also not a bad selection of sounds of hand-to-hand combat hussars, secheviks, etc.) the man’s shout is there, but the timbre is a bit different =)
- Stroit1.wav – Stroit3.wav new, in my opinion, better received sounds of construction. You can hear the saw, hammer blows on iron and hammering on wood.
- UnSmert1.wav – UnSmert3.wav death cries.Completely new. Tried to be similar, but with its own gimmick.
- veter.wav – well, I think, it is clear =)
- VodaVzryv. wav – sound of core/shell hitting you.
That’s all. Write emotion suggestions evaluation advice, etc. ))) due to the strong limitation of sound files and relatively old manner of packing sounds – it turned out what it turned out. Enjoy ladies and gentlemen!
- To play the Mod, download the file, unpack it and copy the file into the Sound directory of the game.