SHORT DESCRIPTION: Bandit mod is available for Cossacks: Back to War.
CREDIT: Froize
Two nations have been added to Bandit Mod – Bandits and Siberian Khanate. There is a new option – billions. It turns out that when playing on this option you will have almost inexhaustible resources. Now you will not have to sweat and constantly enter “money” in chat to feel what it is to have 10-20 barracks of the 18th century.
Outlaws now have a camp where you can produce peasants, halberdiers, Scottish spearmen, archers, dragoons and “sichs”. Mines and a market can be built, perhaps that’s it.
Siberian Khanate is almost no different from the nation of brigands. But a new unit is added – Tatar, you can build new buildings – diplomatic centre, mosque and port. Characteristics and upgrades are also a little different.
Attention! This mod change the game language to Russian!

- To play the Mod, download the file, unpack it and copy the file into the general directory of the game.