SHORT DESCRIPTION: The mode is a worthy successor to the Imperia mode created for Cossacks: Back to War. In State vs Country Empire, don’t look for fast-paced battles with huge numbers, tactics and army composition are more important.
- Added units of France:
Sapper, Tirailleur and Voltigeur of the Guard. Sapper for late period of Empire. Horse chasseur for early and late period of Empire. Horse artillery for early period of Empire. - Added Prussian units:
Infantry for the late period of Empire. Hussars and Dragoons for late period of Empire. Horse artillery for early and late period of Empire. - Russian horse artillery and Russian Guardsman were added for early period of Empire.
- Spanish Heavy Cavalry units have been added and tweaked.
Upgrade “Create a Guard infantry” is available in extended period of Empire. - Upgrade “Create a Guard infantry” is available for Russia at beginning period of the game.
- Horse artillery of England, Russia, Prussia and France was available in early period of Empire.
- Hussars of England were unavailable in early period of Empire.
- Visibility limits for Cannons, Towers and Light Cavalry have been expanded.
- AI has been tweaked.
- Denmark has been added with a full set of units.
- Three models of the French light infantry have been added for the later period of the empire.
- Animation has been expanded for drummers.
- Upgrades have been added to allow the release of howitzers and mortars.
- The appearance conditions for the officer’s button have been corrected.
- The characteristics of light cavalry and artillery have been corrected.
- For cannons and howitzers in squad the command “Frontal fire” has been added.
- AI has been tweaked.
- During the loading of game resources, the background is changed with a new image.
Added images to change the background of loading the game, now there are 12 of them. - The mod’s information window has been tweaked.
- Added flag bearer models for Turkey.
- The AI has been tweaked taking into account game changes and the addition of new models.
- During the loading of game resources, the background is changed with a new image.
Added images to change the background of loading the game, now there are 10 of them. - The module for the appearance of the officer button to create a squad has been tweaked.
- For infantry units of Saxony and Sweden, an animation of movement with an attack has been added.
- Animation has been expanded for officers of Saxony and Sweden.
- Models and animation of sergeants have been corrected.
- Animation has been expanded for janissaries, elite Janissaries, elite officers of Turkey.
- For infantry units of Italy and Poland, an animation of movement with an attack has been added.
- Animation has been expanded for Italian and Polish officers.
- The animation of the movement of hussars and mounted chasseurs has been corrected.
- For the units of the infantry of Spain and the Rhenish Union, an animation of movement with an attack has been added.
- Animation has been expanded for officers of Spain and the Rhine Union.
- The animation of the movement of all cannoneers for 11 countries has been corrected.
- The power of the shot of mounted rangers has been increased.
- The models have been corrected and the animation of hussars, horse huntsmen in the role of hussars has been changed.
Horse huntsmen in the imperial center received guns.
Without a detachment, hussars / mounted huntsmen, that is, Cossacks, Krakuz, Saxon lancers, will move at maximum speed.
Being in a detachment, the movement of light cavalry receives a marching movement and a gallop movement, in attack mode. - Added a module for checking the resistance of the attacking mass of cavalry without a detachment.
If a cavalryman does not pass the firing test, the entire group of cavalrymen retreats to the city
Previously, only the unit itself that failed the shooting test retreated. - Tweaked modules that check the possibility of building a squad.
- Cavalry parameters have been changed. For cavalry formations, bonuses have been added to the attack parameter.
- Fixed: the individual upgrade in the stone wall, the construction of the tower.
- For the infantry units of England, an animation of movement with an attack has been added.
- Animation has been expanded for sergeants of Austria, England, Prussia, Russia, Saxony, France.
- The models of Russian and French drummers have been corrected.
- Fixed animation of bayonet attack for infantry of Austria, England, Prussia, Russia, France
- Fixed errors in animation description files.
- Officers can use a drummer (trumpeter) and a flag bearer from another period of development to create a squad.
- A squad with a banner can be built with a squad size of 72 units or more.
A squad without a flag bearer can be built for a squad size of 36 or 72 units. - AI has been modified to accommodate changes in mod.
- For French infantry units, an animation of movement with an attack has been added.
- Animation has been expanded for officers and sergeants of Russia, France, Austria and Prussia.
- The models of the hussars and the sergeant of Russia, the marines and the officer of the chasseurs of France have been corrected.
- The delay in firing cannons and howitzers when executing the “Bombar an area” command has been reduced by 40%
- For infantry units of Russia, Prussia and Austria, an animation of movement with an attack has been added.
- The implementation of the “Hold position” command has been fixed. The “Hold position” command is allowed for sappers and a Turkish archer.
- The assistant menu is disabled by default. The assistant could appear in the game editor.
- Increased time delays when performing upgrades.
- For infantry units of Russia, Prussia and Austria, an animation of movement with an attack has been added.
- The implementation of the “Hold position” command has been fixed. The “Hold position” command is allowed for sappers and a Turkish archer.
- The assistant menu is disabled by default. The assistant could appear in the game editor.
- Added Saxony with a full set of units.
- Added an individual upgrade in the stone wall, the construction of the tower.
- The upgrade allows you to lay the foundation of the tower in the wall itself.
Sweden and Turkey
- Models and units of mounted officers and trumpeters have been added.(drummer for turkey).
- Corrected models and animations of heavy cavalry and dragoons.
- Added a sound scheme for a Turkish equestrian drummer.
For all countries.
- The “no capture” option has been added to the menu.
- Upgrade, reduction of iron and coal consumption per shot is available from the beginning of the game.
- AI has been modified to accommodate changes in mod.
- Models and units of mounted officers and trumpeters have been added.
- Corrected models and animations of heavy cavalry and dragoons.
- Added: for the late period of the empire, heavy cavalryman, line infantry-veterans and horse chasseur, guards cavalry.
- Fixed a bug on fusilier upgrades to “Rise of the Empire”.
For all countries.
- “Bayonet attack” is allowed for all units with a bayonet.
- An upgrade has been added, reducing the consumption of iron and coal per shot.
- For AI, additional delays in scripts have been added to optimize the game.
- AI has been modified to accommodate changes in mod.
- The “bayonet attack” button will now not disappear when team morale drops.
- Models and units of mounted officers and trumpeters have been added.
- Corrected models and animations of cuirassiers and dragoons.
- For the later period of the Empire added: line infantry, artillery,
- Scottish Dragoon and light Dragoon KGL.
- Models Guard have been corrected.
- AI has been modified to accommodate changes in mod.
- Models and units of mounted officers and trumpeters have been added for Poland and Italy.
- For Russia, horse artillery was added to the heyday of the empire.
- The speed of movement of mounted riflemen has been increased: mounted chasseurs, light dragoons of England and Sweden, the chevalier of Bavaria.
- For AI, delays in scripts have been added to optimize the game.
- Models and units of mounted officers and trumpeters were added for Prussia and Russia.
- Corrected models and animations of cuirassiers and dragoons for Prussia and Russia.
- Fixed the locations of upgrades for light mamelukes in Turkey.
- Fixed an AI bug in Turkey. Now Turkey is releasing elite infantry in the game.
- Fixed attack upgrades for mounted officers and trumpeters.
- Models and units of mounted officers and trumpeters for cuirassiers and dragoons have been added for the Rhenish Union.
- Corrected models and animations of cuirassiers and dragoons for the Rhine Union.
- Added time intervals when calling functions:
- Officer button, general button, unit retreat functions, squad status functions.
- Improved order to replenish a squad with units from another squad.
- AI tracks the number of units of opponents and stops its production of units if AI is ahead of the enemy in quantity.
- Unit production speed restored to version 1.10
V1.11 (tesztfrissítés)
- Models and units of mounted officers and trumpeters for cuirassiers and dragoons have been added for Austria, Russia and France.
- Corrected models and animations of cuirassiers and dragoons for Austria, Russia and France.
- Added unit production tabs to the stable.
- The speed of movement of units with a pike, lancers and ńossacks has been increased.
- The command “movement with attack” has been corrected.
- Increased consumption of iron and coal when fired.
- Unit production time increased by 20%
- AI has been modified to accommodate changes in mod.
- Added Sweden with a full set of units.
- An upgrade has been introduced, “Double the limit for the Guards Infantry”.
- The limits on the release of infantry in the imperial center have been removed.
- The Marine Corps release limit depends on the number of ports built.
- AI has been modified to accommodate changes in mod.
[1] Unpack using 7-Zip.
[2.1] Recommended way: The contents of the unpacked folder should be copied to the Installed folder/Cossacks3/mods/.
[2.2] Not recommended way: The contents of the unpacked folder should be copied to the folder Installed folder/Cossacks3. In this step, you must back up the original files.
[3] Use the Mod Manager to enable the game mode.
[!] If something does not work, please check the downloaded file: the update will not work without a version. So you have to download the latest version first and then download the update. For example, to use the v1.23 update, you need to download v1.22. During the update process, files need to be overwritten.