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- Create Date 24/09/2022
- Last Updated 24/09/2022
Cossacks map: Koge 1677
Description: Black and orange players with blue swedes flet and green and purple together with red.
The battle take place in 1677 year bettween Swedish and Dennish ships near town Koge ( or Koge bay - Batlic Sea ) Battle was one of the most bloody on this small sea. Swedes attacked cos they didnt know haw strong is enemy squadron - during the battle they lost about 10 line battleships and many smaller boats.Rest of their flet escaped in panic. So according to history here blue navy is obligated to attack first. Unfortunatelly i had to add some land units cos game didnt want to start without them. Black fleet is near island when swedish land troops are positioned. So if u play in 2 or 3 blue should rather control Black Ships , cos comp shpuld be turn as black and allly cos if not, black will shoot to soldiers on island.
Credit(s): Kosciuszko