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- Create Date 11/08/2022
- Last Updated 30/09/2023
Description: Mission: Byczyna 1588, Modzik 1.29a. "Hi, I am uploading a new battle. This is the relatively little known battle of Byczyna, which took place in 1588. This battle was one of the most brilliant victories of Chancellor and Great Crown Hetman Jan Zamoyski. It occurred as a result of a fight between magnate parties after the death of King Stefan Batory. There were two main contenders for the crown: the Austrian Archduke Maximilian Habsburg and Zygmunt Waza. Zamojski sided with Sigismund Vasa. On 24 January 1588, a pitched battle took place against Maximilian himself and his Polish supporters. The battle took place on Imperial territory near the town of Byczyna in Silesia. The Poles (along with Tartar and Transylvanian reinforcements) with Zamoyski are red, Maximilian with Austrians, Moravians, Hungarians and Polish partisans are blue. The Poles attack, the Imperialists take defensive positions but plan an active defence, they are spread out on both sides of the main road to Byczyna on the hills, the centre of the army retreated, they expect Zamoyski to come by this road. However, the Poles take a side road through the marshes to the left wing of the Imperial troops. From here on it is a battle. The Poles win when they force Byczyna to surrender. Artillery from Byczyna is used to defend the town. Ratio of troops: Zamojski about 6000 men, Maximilian about 6700 men. Not surprisingly, there were hussars in Maximilian's ranks; the Polish hussars were commanded on the left wing by Stanisław Stadnicki, while on the right wing there were Hungarian hussars under the command of Valentin Prepostvare. As far as the facts were concerned it was Zamojski who was victorious, taking Archduke Maximilian prisoner." ... link to file
Credit(s): [RP]Jark